Thursday, June 27, 2019

Very easy and effective way to reduce 5 to 10 kg weight in one month

HEALTH IS WEALTH but in the present day people are suffering from various degradation due to their excess weight in  the society and also face in so meany  problem in their daily lifestyle ,so to day we will discuss how we can easily reduce our weight in 30 days.

step 1 :

Waking up in the morning , first drink one glass of lime mixed warm hot water .It increase our digestion power and helps to reduce fat from our body.
step 2:

5 best effective exercise to reduce excessive fat from our body.All type of exercise in the given below  do 20 repetition in 3 set.



step 3:
The main rules for weight loss are being to take proper diet. It is necessary to keep plenty of protein in  the morning meal,it will reduce the demand for all-day meal,for example it is possible to eat 3 egg without eating yum it can be good source of protein. 30 minutes before the water will be drink so that body is well hydrated. You can not drink excess water in the eating time and after the eating.Sugar can not be consumed more  it is not god for health  it increase the amount of insulin in our body. eat some soluble fiber .do not consumed more carbohydrate food. some foods are avoid to reduce weight this are SUGARY DRINKS, FRENCH FRIES and POTATO  CHIPS ,WHITE BREAD, CANDY BARS,ICE CREAM. And the most impotent things is don't take stress ,sleep properly daily  7 to 8 hours ....

THANK YOU ......


      This diagram is key diagram to explain transformation in alloys from pure iron to iron carbide {cementite}. This diagram has been...